By phone, email or at a meeting
Cleaning of private and commercial premises only recently has begun to develop as a business. Various highly-specialized cleaning companies has come on the market. Some firms have got engaged in outsourcing of cleaning services, implying lease of cleaners for a certain period. Client base mainly includes owners of offices, shopping malls, business centers, amusement parks and other objects. It is more profitable for them to resort to services of specialized organizations, rather than employing this specialists full-time. Thus, outsourcing of cleaning services has a number of advantages:
Thus, outsourcing will help you properly organize the work of your organization effectively manage personnel.
Our merchandising agency offers services of specialists of various occupational categories, including outsourcing of cleaning services, ensuring professionalism, effectiveness and competitive prices. We take a serious approach to recruitment, therefore each candidate is a good employee and a competent specialist. Cleaners whose services we offer, have substantial experience, thorough and nuanced understanding of their job, conscientious approach to their duties. All of them were tested by our security department and were never charged with a criminal and administrative offence. Cooperating with Retaillux you can be confident about safety of your intellectual and material assets. Guided by specifics of the tasks and your requirements, we will select the most appropriate candidate. Thus, outsourcing of cleaning services may involve the following types of work:
You can hire one or several specialists for any period of time, from couple of hours to several months.
Outsourcing of cleaning services of various kind is carried out on contractual base. A contract stipulates all client’s requirements that don’t contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other related legislation. It also indicates the period for which an employee is hired, work schedule, type of cleaning and other peculiarities. In the event of illness or under other circumstances hindering a candidate chosen by you from beginning his work, we promptly make a replacement.
As for the prices, outsourcing of cleaning services by Retaillux, our prices are significantly lower compared to other similar organizations. It all depends on qualifications of a specialist, scope and nature of a work, detergents and equipment, period of service. Therefore calculations are done individually. We grant discounts for our regular clients.
To order a cleaner, please call us. Retaillux is guarantee of quality and professionalism.
By phone, email or at a meeting
Cost calculation within a few hours
We discuss all the details and specifics of the project
We launch a project of any complexity within three weeks
Closing the period. We sign acts. Bill
Mikhail Roshchin (HR-manager)
We put our trust in Retaillux and were not mistaken in our choice. Personnel was provided on time, which contributed to prompt and high-quality work particularly necessary in sales. Now we have ascertained through our own experience that outsourcing is profitable and merit attention.
Chernovaya Lilia
We had necessity to put in order the office, soon reopening after renovation. So we turned to RetailLux who offered workers and cleaners services on outsourcing basis. This experience was satisfying for us and we believe it to be absolutely positive. Large work scope was managed on time and of a high quality. RetailLux pleased us with thorough supervision over workers in the course of task fulfilment and the final result. In fact outsourcing of cleaning services turned out to be simple and economically advantageous soultion for us. We express our thanks to RetailLux for a great job.
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